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The Alluring Asia Team

Padong hilltribe visit at Baan Mai Phattana (enroute to Chiang Mai)

Chiang Rai, Thailand

Pause en-route to visit a Baan Mai Phattana (Thaton) Village where you will have a chance to visit the Akha and Padong Longneck hilltribes.

The Pa Dong rely on farming rice, tea and tobacco cultivation. Certain Pa Dong females 'elongate' their necks from an early age with brass, which is coiled around their necks to give a brass ring effect. The greater number of coils is believed to enhance physical beauty and increase aesthetic appeal. Wearing the coiled brass rings is considered an "honor" and is a privilege awarded to females who are born on a full moon.

Akha villages are distinguished by their carved wooden gates with guardian spirits. The Akha live in raised houses, within which one small room is set aside for paying respect to ancestors.

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